Role of SemiColon in various Programming Languages
Semicolon is a punctuation mark (;) indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma. In programming, Semicolon symbol plays a vital role. It is used to show the termination of instruction in various programming languages as well, like C, C++, Java, JavaScript and Python....
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Hello World Program : First program while learning Programming
In this article, I’ll show you how to create your first Hello World computer program in various languages. Along with the program, comments are provided to help you better understand the terms and keywords used in theLearning program. Programming can be simplified as follows:...
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Difference and Similarities between PHP and C
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. It can be easily embedded in HTML files and HTML codes can also be written in a PHP file. The thing that differentiates PHP from a client-side language like HTML is, PHP codes are executed on the server whereas HTML codes are directly rendered on the browser. C is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie as a system programming language to write an operating system. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and a clean style, these features make C language suitable for system programmings like an operating system or compiler development....
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Boolean Data Type
In programming languages, we have various data types to store different types of data. Some of the most used data types are integer, string, float, and boolean. The boolean data type is a type of data that stores only two types of values i.e. True or False. These values are not case-sensitive depending upon programming languages. The name Boolean comes from the branch of mathematics called Boolean algebra, named after George Bool the mathematician....
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exp2() function in C++ STL
The exp2() is a builtin function in C++ STL that computes the base-2 exponential function of a given number. It can also be written as 2num....
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Frequency of an integer in the given array using Divide and Conquer
Given an unsorted array arr[] and an integer K, the task is to count the occurrences of K in the given array using the Divide and Conquer method....
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vwprintf() function in C/C++
The vwprintf() function in C++ is used to write a formatted wide string to stdout. It prints formatted data from variable argument list to stdout. Internally, the function retrieves arguments from the list identified by arg as if va_arg was used on it, and thus the state of arg is likely altered by the call. The wide string format may contain format specifiers starting with % which are replaced by the values of variables that are passed as a list vlist. It is defined in header file <cwchar.h> Syntax :...
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iswupper() function in C/C++
The iswupper() is a built-in function in C/C++ which checks if the given wide character is a uppercase character or not. It is defined in CPP header file <cwctype.h> and This function is the wide-character equivalent of isupper ()....
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wcsspn() function in C/C++ with Examples
The wcsspn() is a built-in function in C/C++ which returns the length of maximum initial segment of the wide string that consists of characters present in another wide string. It is defined within the cwchar header file of C++....
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iswblank() function in C/C++
The iswblank() is a built-in function in C/C++ which checks if the given wide character is a blank character or not. It is defined within the cwctype header file of C++. Syntax:...
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Google Software Engineering Intern, Fall 2019 – North America
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C Program to Split a String into a Number of Sub-Strings
Splitting a string by some delimiter is a very common task. For example, we have a comma-separated list of items from a file and we want individual items in an array. Almost all programming languages, provide a function split a string by some delimiter....
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